Sunday, November 7, 2010

Her Infinate Wisdom: PART 1

Luka has many things to share and many of them are so insightful. For those who have children, you will know exactly what I am saying. For those of you with out kids, these are those kind of things that come out of your childs' mouth that make you stop in your tracks and reevaluate, refocus, and remember what it's like to go about your day with curiosity, wonder, and simplicity.

While driving to the beach for a picnic, Lu saw the park out her window. She changed her mind and wanted to have our picnic there instead. So we followed her nose and turned to head to the park. There was a ton of construction and so I was not able to take the usual route I would have taken. I turned down a side street and the construction blocked my way again. I said out loud: "shoot, I went the wrong way." Luka pipes in from the back seat: "It's ok Mama, It's not the wrong way it's just another way."

Where her infinate wisdom comes from at such a young age I don't know, but I am happy to have it.

Thanks Luka.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween

Glowing Pumpkin, Roaring fire, Sweet baby profile
 Hope everyone had a fantastical Halloween. The clock ticks on and my child (and us) gets older by the minute and I am sitting by watching (not idly, mind you) this crazy miracle happen. She's so amazing. So wonderful, and full of..... amazing things. Tonight she walked up to the door of several homes alone (we were standing closely... don't worry) knocked, and quietly said "Trick or treat!" and then with some occasional prodding remembered to say thank you. Everytime someone kneeled to offer her the candy bowl, she shouted "Um, tsk (sort of a 'tisk' sound of her tongue) I like.... OH! The princess one." She refused to let anyone carry her candy bucket, even when it weighed her down, and made her wobble from side to side with each step as she tried to schlep it with her weight. We only went to a handful of houses! One guy just about dumped the whole bowl in her bucket. We met up with friends at a little Halloween party at C&P coffee.  It was awesome! So many decorations, kids and fun kid stuff. Cam was out back behind the half door attaching "fish" (aka goodie bags) to the fishing pole, pizza was on the table and the C&P gaggle ran amok. It was lovely. Eiler and Luka took to the streets after an hour or so of partying and raked in quite a load. I had hoped that the night would begin a little sooner so that we could come home for a fire and to pass candy out to the other trick-or-treaters. But maybe next year... How do people normally do it? One parent goes out with the kids, and the other stays home?

Well enjoy the fun I had playing with our Halloween photos below... Happy Halloween!
Having Fun with - Goulish little Cowgirls

This is how she poses for me. I have about 15 shots of this.

Another fun thing