Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My first Mothers Day

What an incredible day. My first Mothers day. I am an incredibly lucky woman to have such an amazing Husband and Child. I actually pinch myself most days to make sure that this is real. Dan took Luka and I out for the afternoon up to Snoqualamie. We hopped the old train up to North Bend, had lunch and then took the train back down to see the view of the Falls. We spent the rest of the afternoon driving around on the back roads - one of my favorite things to do in the whole world (thanks Dad!) - and chatting about how awesome it is to be Luka's parents, reminiscing about my labor and the last 10 months we've spent with this amazing person.  Luka enjoyed every minute of the afternoon. Especially the parts where she could flirt with all the strangers on the train, and ride in the new (to us) baby back pack on Papa's back.  

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