Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Messy Lunch

We knew that a double bath time would happen at some point. Today it was unavoidable. With Luka AND Silas demanding they feed them selves... it got messy! How cute are they?!?!?! I know, I can't take it either.
Silas did not want to get out. He was a prune!


Unknown said...

Oh my god they are too much! Can we please schedule a play date? I need to visit!!

Unknown said...

The picture of Luka with crazy hair... reminds me of the many funny faces of her father!!! Too cute!

les parents said...

Vraiment adorables tous les deux !!

Zach, Erin, Colin and Tate said...

That is so fun. These babies are growing so dang fast. I love it.

The Snyder Family said...

so adorable. i can't watch the video of luka crawling though. is anyone else having problems? when i click on the video it enlarges the pic of luka and ollie in the window:( tech support please!!!