Luka is quite a popular girl. She has so many friends. Check out all these play dates!!!
Uncle Rich's Birthday Party
Wes and Jenny
Luka imparting her wisdom on teething toys. She's exactly 4 months older than Wesley, and, she's got EIGHT teeth now, so she's got a lot of info to share.
She also likes to impart her wisdom to Silas, but he's only 3 weeks her junior and he's not believing everything he hears. This discussion looks serious!
Giving Kisses... something these two are really good at.
Are you kidding me? Can Silas be any more cute?
Bella. She's so stinkin cute! She loaned Luka a TON of stuff to use when she was a baby, we delivered her goods back and hung out in the front yard for a bit. I love her flip flops.
Gracie. This is our nanny's (Addie) daughter. I watched Gracie for the afternoon one day so Addie could get some things done. I had heard that Luka and Gracie were quite the duo, and it was definitely the truth. Luka was so excited to show Gracie all her toys.
So ridiculously cute!!! In the photo from Rich's birthday she TOTALLY looks like a kewpie doll!
not sure how i missed all your blog list must have been on the fritz.
Wes looks like such a little chunk in these photos.
He LOVES getting advice from Luka, you can bring trophy cupcakes over ANYTIME ;)
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