Friday, October 10, 2008

Good till the last drop.

Luka was diagnosed with GERD (gastroesophageal reflux). Baiscally her esophagus is not fully developed and it allows her food to come back up frequently. She barf's a lot. It's very common in infants and nothing to worry about right. It peaks in infants at 4 months and usually subsudes by 6 months but can last until about 1 year in some cases. She's a happy GERD baby. Some infants have quite a bit of pain from the stomach acids. So far, she is only slightly bothered by it. The doctor suggested to mix some rice cereal with some mama-milk and spoon feed it to her before breastfeeding. The weight of the thickened food in her belly should help her keep the breastmilk down. SO, we tried it last night and man... she took to the spoon like it was an old friend!!! Good to the last drop.
We feel so proud and lucky to have such a good baby. We're crossing our fingers that we remain as lucky as she develops and grows and changes. For now we are excited that we've reached this milestone.
Oh and expect to be handed a giant burp cloth when holding her! We apologize in advance for any ruined clothes.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

My nephew was a barfer...though they never fully diagnosed him as GERD, hmm. It definitely cleared up by 6-8 months and he's been a happy boy ever since. Did the rice cereal work?