Monday, February 2, 2009

Lu & Si

Some fun ones from our wild photo shoot! They were so excited to be naked. So fun.


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness this makes me happy! Two adorable, rolly polly little ones!! Hilarious!

Jenny said...

this makes me want to have twins! they're the cutest little baby friends ever!

we should get together soon! i could bring Wes over your direction one of these days...he's as old as Luka was when I first met her- crazy!

KJunk said...

The last one is priceless. I love the expressions on both of their faces.

Brad and Rachel said...

Ca-ute!!! Gorgeous babies!

Bases Loaded Brewing said...

The 4th one down is awesome. It's like Luka is telling Silas something he isn't so sure about

les parents said...

Thank you , Becky, for this pictures !!!
it is so cut and so funny!

Unknown said...

The last one is priceless. Silas looks like he is guilty of something, and Luka looks like she is trying to tell a story to mama. "Well, what happened was..."

Too cute!!