Monday, February 9, 2009

Stinkin dress + stinkin' cute baby = LOVE

Lu attended her friend Peyton's Baptism on Sunday and wore the stinkin cutest dress you've ever seen. Stinkin dress + stinkin' cute baby = LOVE. Can you handle it? I can't. Thanks Auntie Rach.

The lady in the pew behind us kept saying that if there was a beauty contest Luka would win. :)


Unknown said...

I just about shed a tear looking at that one... I love her. Phil will MELT when he see's that one!

Margo said...

I got a new camera. We should do a photos hoot!

Anonymous said...

I keep saying that there is no way that Luka could be cuter. Then you come up with a picture that tops the rest....! Everything from her bright eyes and smile to her body language shouts Happy girl! But of course Grandpa's are just a bit biased!

Love, Grandpa

The Snyder Family said...

I knew she would look so good in that dress!!!

jnb said...

i must return immediately to seattle and cover luka with kisses! she is beyond adorable! thanks for sharing so much stinkin cuteness. made my day! love you!

Zach, Erin, Colin and Tate said...

What a doll baby. So adorable!

Auntie Char said...

and what a stinkin CUTE dress
it is!