Yesterday we had a great afternoon. Just hanging out and enjoying the gorgeous fall day. We bundled up and walked to our favorite hang out, C&P coffee. And sat in the cutest rocking chair! We gotta get one of these for home!

Luka loved it. I can just see her in a few months figuring out the rocking and going to town. Then we walked up through the leaves on the street to the West Seattle Nursery. We were just checking out the gorgeous fall stuff thats changing colors, blossoming, or growing berries like this amazing purple bush. If I was a real plan extroidinarre I would have noted the name of the bush, but I just enjoyed the berries. PURPLE!!

Love it. We were looking for Lavender plants to plant in a pot I'm gonna take from the dump our neighbor has out back. A perfectly good pot they've dumped back there! Finders keepers losers weepers. Then we walked down to the grocery store to get some things for the Turkey I was preparing for dinner. I noticed a the power lines were covered with birds and they were chirping and chirping so loudly. I was fascinated. I pushed the walk button and waited for the light. As I waited I watched the birds and noticed the splatting sound on the ground and the staining of the sidewalk from the birds pooping after eating berries. I even took a second to snap a photo of them! The light turned green and I walked across the street into the store. As I was purchasing some boullion cubes Luka awoke and I chatted with her there in the middle of the aisle. I then noticed a brownish purple chunk on her neck. There was no chocolate in sight and I knew it could only be one thing... BIRD POOP!!!! So add it to the record books... Luka has had her first embarrassing moment.

The culprits! Stupid birds!
Pobrecita!! Stupid poop machines. I love that first pic, so adorable!
we have a pigeon lady in the neighborhood so I know all about bird poop!
I wish you knew the name of that plant...I'm in the market and I've never seen purple berries like that- will you post if you find out?
I hate it when you get poop stuck in your neck!!!
ha ha, poopneck!
haha, thanks for sharing, Becky! We'll be sure she's reminded of her first embarrassing moment often as she grows up. :) Great to catch up today - see you soon, I hope!
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